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Research Document - 1999/131

A review of the biology and fisheries of the Box crab (Lopholithodes foraminatus Stimpson) in British Columbia.

By Z.Y. Zhang, G. Workman and A.C. Philips


Biological and fishery information on box crab, Lopholithodes foraminatus, and similar species relevant to the potential development of a box crab fishery in British Columbia was synthesised. Information was collected from published books and papers, unpublished reports, discussions with experienced fishermen and biologists, Fisheries and Oceans Canada databases, Oregon's commercial fishery, and experimental fisheries or surveys in California, Oregon, B.C. and Alaska.

The existing knowledge on the basic biology and ecology of box crab is very limited. The collected biological information includes taxonomy, geographic distribution, habitat, food sources, size, reproduction, species association, and a trap fishery in Oregon. Distribution and densities of box crab in B.C were assessed based on the by-catch data from the bottom trawl fisheries for ground fish and from shrimp trawl surveys. Knowledge on population structure, age, growth, longevity, mortality, recruitment mechanism, and larval duration does not exist.

Management strategies for this potential fishery are recommended based on the collected biological information. Lacking or insufficient information, which needs to be collected to make development and management decisions, is identified.

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