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Research Document - 1999/135

Age classes of bowhead whales summering in northern Foxe Basin.

By S.E. Cosens and A. Blouw


Bowhead whales, summering in northern Foxe Basin, were aerially photographed in August of 1996, 1997 and 1998. Image lengths on either the negatives or contact prints were measured and total body lengths were estimated. Results indicated that, in all three years, the majority of whales photographed were less than 11.5 meters long. Calves made up 24%, 7% and 34% of the total number of measured whales in 1996, 1997 and 1998 respectively. The number of bowheads longer than 13.5 meters, the approximate size at which bowheads reach sexual maturity, that were photographed was directly proportional to the number of calves photographed. Results indicate that northern Foxe Basin bowheads are part of a larger stock. Adult males and resting adult females appear to summer in another part of the range, probably northwestern Hudson Bay. Northern Foxe Basin appears to be used as a nursery area and any adults present are likely females with young-of-the-year calves.

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