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Research Document - 1999/137

Questionnaire Survey of the Coastal Nova Scotia Herring Fishery, 1998.

ByK. Clark, D. Rogers, H. Boyd, and R.L. Stephenson


A questionnaire survey of fixed gear herring fishers from coastal Nova Scotia was conducted in the summer and fall of 1998. Two hundred and forty five fishers from 11 Nova Scotia Counties (28 Statistical Districts) were interviewed. Historical and recent information was collected on a variety of topics including gear, landings, fishing and spawning locations, abundance and biology of herring.

The emergence of fall roe fisheries off Yarmouth, Queens and Cape Breton Counties has led to an increase in landings and changes in the amount and types of gear used. The majority of the herring caught in these fisheries are sold. In contrast, there has been an overall decrease in gear used in the spring and fall non-roe fisheries and most of the fish caught are used as personal bait. With the exception of fishers participating in roe fisheries, the majority of people interviewed have not recently changed their fishing locations and there is an overall perception that the numbers of herring at spawning locations have decreased over time. Two hundred and fifty nine active and 326 historical spawning locations are recorded.

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