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Research Document - 1999/147

Assessment of 4X Haddock in 1998 and the first half of 1999.

By P. Hurley, G. Black, P. Comeau, and R.K. Mohn


Landings of 4X haddock in 1998 were 7,843t against a TAC of 8,100t. The TAC for 1999 was 8,100t and was prorated to 9,800t for a 15 month period ending March 31, 2000. Landings in the first half of 1999 were 2,313t. The 1993 and 1994 year-classes made up a substantial proportion of the catch-at-age in 1998 and in the first half of 1999. Catches in the summer research vessel survey were high throughout the stock area. Fish condition is increasing but is below the long-term mean. Mean fish size is currently at low levels. All age classes are widely distributed, a condition usually associated with high abundance in this resource. The results of a resource abundance survey, conducted by the ITQ fleet in cooperation with DFO Science for the fifth year in 1999, were used in the assessment. Both the 1993 and 1994 year-classes are strong and the 1996 year-class is above average. The 1997 year-class may also be above average and catches of age 0 and 1 year old haddock in the 1999 research vessel and ITQ surveys suggest the 1998 and 1999 year-classes may also be strong. Spawning stock biomass has increased from a low of 18,000t in 1990 to 40,000t in 1998 but will decrease to 35,000t in 1999. The F0.1 yield in the 12 month fishing year starting April 1, 2000 would be 8,200t. Spawning stock biomass would increase in 2001 to 39,000t.

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