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Research Document - 1999/148

of the Scotian Shelf silver hake population in 1998.

By M.A. Showell and L.P. Fanning


The status of the Scotian Shelf silver hake population in 4VWX was evaluated using updated catch-at-age (1979-98), research surveys, commercial CPUE, and biological indices. An analytical assessment of yield was not possible, as the model results could not be accepted due to a large retrospective pattern in the estimates of population numbers. Other attributes of stock status were not consistent. Recruitment will likely be above average in 2000, and resource concentration and geographical range distribution exhibit positive trends. However, survey biomass is very low and total mortality estimates from the survey are high. The extreme values of these important indicators are cause for concern. Other attributes, such as length-at-age, condition, and size at maturity, while not at near lowest levels, are below long term averages. Under these circumstances, catches should be restricted to that seen from 1997-99.

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