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Research Document - 1999/153

A Review of the Biology and Fisheries of the Pink Scallop and Spiny Scallop.

By R.B. Lauzier and G. Parker


A review of the biology of pink and spiny scallops is presented, based on scientific literature, previous surveys and technical reports. There are considerable differences in the growth characteristics, growth rates, maximum size and reproductive characteristics between the two species. Spiny scallops are faster growing and reach a larger maximum size than pink scallops. Spiny scallops also have a considerable higher reproductive effort in comparison to pink scallops. Spawning in each species occurs at different times.

A review of the scallop fisheries in British Columbia is presented. There has been a commercial fishery since 1982. There are two fisheries for pink and spiny scallops in British Columbia, a dive fishery and a small trawl fishery. The dive fishery has landed 85% of the total cumulative landings. There is presently unlimited entry in both fisheries. There is evidence of declining effort in the trawl fishery in recent years, with concurrent increasing effort in the dive fishery. There is also evidence of localized stock depletion in some areas, which has resulted in area closures.

Present management controls include a minimum size limit of 55 mm shell height for both species, numerous small closures in parks and study areas, and a maximum width of 2 m in the trawl. The two species are being managed as one species, one stock.

Information shortfalls are identified including: trawl effects on co-occurring species, habitat, or bycatch, or size selectivity; stock status and delineation; and basic biological parameters such as biomass, recruitment and mortality. The present management system is not sufficient for this fishery. The only monitoring systems in place are harvest logs and sales slips, with a calculation of catch per unit effort (CPUE). This is not adequate for stock assessment requirements in order to implement a risk averse management system. Recommendations for additional information requirements for stock assessments and management plans are given.

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