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Research Document - 1999/155

The status of Redfish in Unit 2.

By D. Power


The implementation of this management unit in 1993 caused a change in fishing pattern from that generally in place under the former 3P, 4RST and 4VWX units. Seasonal closures and a small fish protocol have also impacted fishing pattern, however harvesters consider that fisheries over the past three years have been generally successful. Catches have declined from 27,000 metric tons in 1993 to 9, 500 metric tons in 1996. From 1997-1999, catches and TACs have been about 10,000 metric tons. Summer DFO trawl surveys indicate that stock size remained stable between 1995 and 1997. This survey has not been conducted since 1997. Industry surveys targeting the commercially exploitable population suggested stability from 1997-1998 but a substantial decline in 1999, however, it is not unusual to see such fluctuation in trawl survey results for redfish. Commercial catches are dominated by the 1980 year-class which has provided yield for the past nine years. The 1988 year-class, which is not as strong as the 1980 year-class, is now fully available to the fishery. However, market demand for larger fish will maintain the targeting of the 1980 year-class. It is not possible to provide an estimate of the absolute size of this stock nor to estimate fishing mortalities. There are indications that the 1994 year-class may be relatively strong but renewed monitoring of pre-recruit year-classes would be required to clarify this.

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