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Research Document - 1999/159

Assessment of cod in division 4X in 1999.

By D.S. Clark and S.D. Paul


Landings of cod from Division 4X have fluctuated since 1948 between 35,500t and a low of 8,200t in 1998. The quota for 1999 (7,000 t) was prorated to 7,910 t for a 15-month fishing year ending March 31, 2000. Landings to October 1 were 5,500t. In both 1998 and the first half of 1999 landings were spread amongst ages 3-7, with the 1996 year-class contributing more than expected. The summer RV survey catch per tow was down sharply from 1998, and was among the lowest in the time series. The indices at all ages except 7 were below average. The ITQ survey was down substantially from 1998 in weight and also down in numbers, aside from large numbers at ages 0 and 1.

Based on analyses which suggested either natural mortality (M) or survey catchability (q) may have increased in recent years, a variety of ADAPT formulations were explored. No formulation seemed to adequately capture the variability in data from recent years. Two formulations which best represented the trends in recent years were examined in greater detail; both indicate that the spawning stock biomass is currently at a low level. The F0.1 yields projected for the fishing year commencing April 1, 2000 are in the range of 4,000t to 6,000t.

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