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Research Document - 1999/162

Preliminary Results from the September 1999 Groundfish Survey in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence.

By G. Poirier, G.A. Chouinard, D.P. Swain, T. Hurlbut, C. LeBlanc, and R. Morin


Since 1971, a standardized research vessel bottom trawl survey has been conducted in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (NAFO 4T). The objective of the survey is to obtain abundance indices for the major groundfish resources in the area. This report presents the preliminary results of the 1999 survey conducted from September 7 to 29. In general, the preliminary information indicates that the abundance of cod, American plaice and white hake in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence continues to be low. An unusually high proportion of the survey biomass continues to be found in the eastern portion of the southern Gulf for plaice. Winter flounder, yellowtail flounder and herring abundance appear to be at intermediate levels. Survey abundance of witch and dogfish were at relatively high levels. Water temperatures near bottom has increased: the extent of bottom area with temperatures less than 0o C was reduced markedly.

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