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Research Document - 1999/174

Scallop stock update for the Grand Manan and Southwest New Brunswick, SPA 6 - 1999.

By M.A.E. Butler, M.J. Lundy, and D. Roddick


An area based management plan was implemented in 1997 for the scallop fishery in the Bay of Fundy. Scallop Production Area (SPA) 6 refers to the waters surrounding Grand Manan Island, Campobello and Deer Islands and vicinity. SPA 6 was subdivided into SPA 6A for the area outside the inside zones, SPA 6B for the Grand Manan Island inside zone and SPA 6C for the mainland New Brunswick inside zone. This area was fished by the Mid Bay scallop fleet under a competitive quota system and Full Bay scallop fleet under an Individual Transferable Quota (ITQ) system.

The landings in 1999 from SPA 6 decreased from 1998. Numbers of Mid Bay vessels fishing SPA 6 decreased while there was a slight increase in the number of Full Bay vessels fishing SPA 6 from 1998. Catch rates increased in SPA 6A but decreased in SPA 6B for both fleets. Meat weight sampling indicated a minimal increase in mean meat weight through the year in SPA 6A, was constant in SPA 6B and SPA 6C. Survey indices indicated an increase in average number of commercial sized scallops per tow in the Grand Manan Island inside zone, SPA 6B and minimal decrease in SPA 6A. There was an increase in pre-recruits concentrated in the Duck Island Sound area of SPA 6B. These pre-recruits should be protected from incidental fishing mortality. Survey mean weights per standard tow increased slightly for both areas. Survey catch rates per standard tow were average.

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