Research Document - 1999/181
Compilation of available information regarding the Scotian Shelf herring spawning component.
By L.E. Harris and R.L. Stephenson
This paper is a compilation of information from commercial fishing and scientific research on the herring spawning component on the offshore Scotian Shelf banks. An analysis of ichthyoplankton data and records of spawning herring indicates that spawning takes place on central Sable Island Bank during the second half of October.
Fall ichthyoplankton surveys in 1997 and 1998 showed a high concentration of recently hatched larvae in the Western/Sable Island bank area. Larval herring densities in 1998 (maximum = 713 larvae/100 m³) were an order of magnitude greater than those in 1997 (maximum = 69 larvae/100 m³). Offshore adult herring catches during the 1998 July bottom-trawl survey were second highest in 16 years at an average of 96 fish per set. Herring were widely distributed on banks west of Sable Island. The age distribution from the 1998 survey was dominated by the 1992-93 year classes. The 1998 fishery for herring on the Scotian Shelf landed 5 579t, substantially less than the two previous years (11 745 t in 1996 and 20 261t in 1997). The reduction in catch is attributed to changes in herring behaviour and distribution.
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