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Research Document - 1999/183

A factor to convert meat weight to round weight in the Iceland scallop, Chlamys islandica, in Newfoundland.

By K.S. Naidu, F.M. Cahill, and E.M. Seward


This document reviews the derivation and use of the conversion factor (9.2) to transform meat weights to round weights in the Newfoundland Iceland scallop fishery. Factors that influence its derivation are discussed. As presently constituted, the conversion factor is based on dissections of fresh scallops and seeks to determine biological yield, regardless of how much of the "meat" is recovered/lost from the commercial shucking process. In addition to innate variables, manual shucking is subject to numerous imponderables, including gross weight changes resulting from water loss and seepage of pallial fluids from scallops between the time of capture and processing. As in other species, the conversion factor should not be considered as an incontrovertible universal constant; rather it is a best-case effort to estimate composite, year-round removals from an entire fishing area rather than from a specific aggregation at any given time.

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