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Research Document - 1999/198

Framework for goose barnacle (Pollicipes polymerus Sowerby, 1833) fishery in waters off the West Coast of Canada

By R.B. Lauzier


A framework for assessment and management of this fishery is presented for the fishery to proceed in a precautionary manner under scientific licence, and in a manner which collects key information for ongoing assessments and management actions. Components of the framework incorporate previously expressed concerns including non-selective harvest techniques; impacts on breeding success; discards; catch reporting and sustainability of the fishery in traditionally harvested areas. Suggestions for the resolution of these concerns are presented. Data requirements for a precautionary fishery are outlined including removal estimates; abundance estimates and biological information. Assessment models and their data requirements are discussed. Alternative harvest practices are presented. Management options and their data requirements are presented.

Recommendations are made for the development of the goose barnacle fishery to follow the phased approach described in the Pacific Region Policy for New and Developing Fisheries, with suggestions on how this may be accomplished.

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