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Research Document - 2000/016

Georges Bank scallop stock assessment - 1999

By G. Robert, G.A.P. Black, M.A.E. Butler, and S.J. Smith


Georges Bank has been managed as 2 zones, 'a' and 'b', since 1998. This report deals with zone 'a'. Zone 'b' includes the deeper, less productive waters. Zone 'b' is managed with a higher meat count than zone 'a' and a rolling TAC. As long as catch rates do not decrease significantly and the meat count is met, a further quota is allowed over the next period.

Catches and TAC's were 3,700 t (2,500 zone 'a'; 1,200 zone 'b') in 1999. In zone 'a' the 1994 and 1995 year classes contributed over 70% to the catch. The total biomass estimate for 1999 is 20% larger than the previous year. The directed biomass estimate (ages 4-7) has also increased, over 25% from 1998. The 1999 fishery had the second highest catch rate index in the series.

The incoming year class for the 2000 fishery is among the strongest encountered over the last 20 years. It is anticipated to have positive impacts and improve the outlook on the stock. Preliminary observations show a weak year class for the 2001 fishery.

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