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Research Document - 2000/033

Status of north Labrador Arctic charr stocks, 1999.

By J.B. Dempson and M. Shears


Catch and effort statistics for the northern Labrador Arctic charr fishery in 1999 are summarized and information on catch-at-age and weight-at-age updated along with tag recapture data. Landings of 40.5 tonnes were 8.2% higher than the previous year and were the highest recorded since 1992. Overall, effort in recent years is still low, relative to the 1980's, and interpretation of current commercial catch rates as an index of stock abundance, could be problematic. Landings of anadromous Arctic charr from the Nain Fishing Region over the past 26 years (1974 - 1999) totalled approximately 2629 tonnes, or 5.8 million pounds. Of this amount, 76.7% (2017 tonnes) has been harvested from the three primary stock complexes (Voisey, Nain, Okak) and illustrates the overall capacity of this area of the north coast to produce fish. There was no experimental in-river terminal harvest for Arctic charr in 1999 and the commercial Atlantic salmon fishery was closed for the second year. We note that the amount of charr harvested for food is unknown.

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