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Research Document - 2000/036

Status of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stock of Harry's River/Pinchgut Brook, Newfoundland, 1999.

By C.C. Mullins and D. Caines


The number and the proportion of small salmon at the counting fence on the Pinchgut Brook tributary of Harry's River increased in 1999 but were within 10% of those in 1998. The number of large salmon remained the same as in 1998. The conservation egg deposition requirement was not achieved on the Harry's River in 1999. The Harry's River salmon stock has achieved at most only 52% of the requirement in the last eight years. This is alarming considering the recreational salmon fishery has been restricted to catch and release angling since 1996 and that the commercial fishery has been closed since 1992. Uncertainties associated with the estimation of spawning escapement and egg deposition on Harry's River as a whole based on counts at Pinchgut Brook tributary were analysed using a probability density function. The results indicated that there was a greater than 100% probability that the conservation requirement was not achieved on the Harry's River in 1999. Increased juvenile densities in recent years indicate a positive outlook for this stock. However, poor environmental conditions in freshwater and continuing evidence of illegal removals continue to raise concerns. It is recommended that the recreational fishery on this stock continue to be managed in such a way that the spawning stock is maximised.

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