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Research Document - 2000/040

Status of Atlantic samon (Salmo salar L.) in Gander River, Notre Dame Bay (SFA4), Newfoundland, 1999.

By M.F. O'Connell, A. Walsh, and N.M. Cochrane


The status of Atlantic salmon in Gander River in 1999 was determined using counts of small and large salmon from a counting fence located on the main stem just above head of tide, recreational fishery data, and biological characteristics information. Total returns of small salmon in 1999 were similar in magnitude to 1998, maintaining a marked improvement over 1997, in which year the lowest returns of the commercial salmon fishery moratorium period occurred. Returns of large salmon in 1999 were the highest on record, as was the proportion of large salmon. Conservation egg requirement was exceeded in 1999 (121%). High water temperatures and low water levels were encountered early in 1999 compared to previous years, both at the counting fence and at the fishway in Salmon Brook tributary. The majority of returns to Salmon Brook occurred after the onset of increasing water levels in mid-August.

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