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Research Document - 2000/046

The stock status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in English River, Labrador, 1999

By D.G. Reddin, P.B. Short, G. Sheppard, and S. Lowe


The status of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stock in English River, Labrador in 1999 was determined using counting fence data, samples collected in the angling fishery, and records of angling mortalities. The stock assessment was conducted in relation to a commercial salmon fishery buyout in Labrador in 1998 and restrictions to the angling fishery. This is the first assessment for the English River, Labrador salmon stock. In 1999, total returns to the English River counting fence were 59 small and 48 large salmon. The number of spawners adjusted for angling mortalities were 54 small and 46 large salmon. Also, 138 small and 160 large charr and 82 trout were counted at the fence. Since this is the first year for this project, there is a lack of information with which to derive conservation requirements. However, returns of salmon appear to be very low compared to other rivers in Labrador. All counts are considered to be complete.

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