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Research Document - 2000/067

Report of the PRC/DFO 4WX herring and mackerel tagging program.

By C.L. Waters, R.L. Stephenson, K.J. Clark, F.J. Fife, M.J. Power, and G.D. Melvin


A joint tagging program started in 1998 by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Pelagics Research Council, continued in 1999 and at the beginning of 2000. A total of 57 605 tags have been applied to herring on four spawning grounds, two overwintering aggregations, one summer mixing area and one experimental area. Four hundred and sixty of these tags have been recovered. A total of 13 878 mackerel tags have been applied to date with 82 recoveries.

Although there have been too few tag returns in any one area to make any firm conclusions, there have been adequate recoveries to confirm that there is an affinity between herring in the Chebucto Head overwintering area and the Southwest Nova / Bay of Fundy spawning component. The extent of this affinity is unknown.

Tagging recommendations for the next season include applying more tags to fish from each area, tagging fish from two new areas (offshore Scotian Shelf and Bras d’Or Lakes) and renewing the advertising campaign. It is also recommended that investigations into the turnover rates on the spawning grounds, tag shedding and tagging mortality be included to enhance this tagging study.

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