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Research Document - 2000/080

1999 Pup production of harp seals, Phoca groenlandica, in the Northwest Atlantic.

By G.B. Stenson, M.O. Hammill, J.F. Gosselin, and B. Sjare


To determine current pup production of Northwest Atlantic harp seals, aerial surveys of the whelping (pupping) concentrations off southern Labrador and/or eastern Newfoundland ("Front") and in the northern and southern Gulf of St. Lawrence ("Gulf") were conducted during March 1999. A total of 5 concentrations were located, two at the Front, one in the northern Gulf and two closely spaced groups in the southern Gulf (which later joined into one). The northern concentrations were located near traditional areas while the southern Gulf group formed up on suitable ice in the traditional areas but drifted southward towards Prince Edward Island where they coalesced prior to the survey. Photographic surveys were conducted on all concentrations between 14 and 24 March while a visual survey was made of the southern Gulf concentrations on 14 March. Photographic counts were corrected for misidentified pups by comparing multiple readings of photographs made by two or more readers. Survey estimates were also corrected for pups absent from the ice at the time of the survey using the occurrence of distinct age-related developmental stages. Multiple estimates were available for two of the whelping concentrations. Pup production was estimated to be 739,100 (SE=96,300) at the Front, 82,600 (SE=22,500) in the northern Gulf and 176,200 (SE=25,400) in the southern Gulf (Magdalen Island) for a total of 997,900 (SE=102,100).

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