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Research Document - 2000/143

The Status of Monkfish in 4VWX5Zc.

By D. Beanlands, R. Branton, and R.K. Mohn


Increasing catches of monkfish in the early 1990's prompted management to initiate a joint 5 year science/industry project in 1995, that provided for a 200 tonne directed fishery and a yearly industry survey. This, along with data from research vessel surveys, would help provide the basis for appropriate harvesting levels for monkfish on the Scotian Shelf and Georges Bank. Research vessel survey results indicated high abundance levels in the 1990's but low biomass. There are good indications of recruitment particularly in 4X. Length frequencies, however, indicate a loss of large fish > 60 cm during the 1990's. Estimates of total mortality have been increasing since the late 1970's. Industry survey results for mean number and weight per tow were variable although mean number per tow reached a series high in 1999. Effort levels for both the directed fishery and bycatch fishery declined over the 5 years while CPUE remained stable or increased. Over-exploitation is a concern for the few restricted areas where fishing is directed. Increased catches by the inshore scallop fleet need to be verified and size composition documented.

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