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Research Document - 2000/161

A Review of the 1999 Newfoundland and Labrador Scallop Fishery.

By K.S. Naidu, F.M. Cahill, and E.M. Seward


In 1999, total effort directed at scallop in the Newfoundland and Labrador Region declined 42% from the previous year; nominal catch was down some 54%. Overall St. Pierre Bank (NAFO Subdiv. 3Ps) continued to be the major source of scallop producing 43% and 39% of the total catch in each of 1998 and 1999 respectively. While some of the declines no doubt are due to localized depletions, much of the reductions are due to effort diversion into shrimp and crab, both relatively more abundant.

Only one research survey was completed in 1999. This was directed at aggregations in the Strait of Belle Isle (4R). While pre-recruit abundance continues to be low, two new deposits were discovered. Contributions from these to the overall biomass are yet to be estimated. Typically, scallops in the Strait show a history of encounters with fishing gear. Fifty-seven percent of scallops examined for "stress" or "shock" rings had registered one or more past encounters with fishing gear indicating intense past fishing activity in the area.

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