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Research Document - 2001/002

Summary of the northern gulf sentinel tagging program with emphasis on recaptures from ajacent management units

By Marthe Bérubé and Alain Fréchet


The mixing of the Northern Gulf of St. Lawrence cod stock in the 3Ps area is a known phenomenon but many uncertainties persist as to the intensity of the mixing. An important tagging program was initiated in the context of sentinel fisheries in the Northern Gulf. Sentinel fishermen tagged a total of 43,000 cod between 1995 and 2000. This document describes recaptures of cod outside its current management areas (3Pn, 4RS) and into adjacent stocks (2J,3KL, 3Ps and 4T). More than 15% of recaptures are from 3Ps (Southern Newfoundland) while there are very few recaptures in other adjacent areas. This mixing has important repercussions on the management and assessment of both stocks.

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