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Research Document - 2001/026

Status of the Exploits River stock of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in 2000

By Bourgeois, C. E., J. Murray and V. Mercer


The Exploits River was the site of an Atlantic salmon enhancement colonization program from 1957-1993. Counts at fishways and angling data provided the basis for assessing the status of the salmon population and determining percent of conservation egg deposition achieved. The 1999 freshwater escapement to the Exploits, of 31,038 was 124% of the average 1992-98 escapement and 388% of the 1987-1991 mean. In 1999 the Exploits River received 50% of it's conservation egg deposition. A total of 1,951 small salmon were retained in the recreational fishery with a total of 1,283 hook-and-released fish. The Exploits River in addition to a conservation egg deposition has a management target of 13,000 spawners which was achieved in 1999 and is used to manage the recreational fishery. This requirement is addressed within the context of the Exploits River achieving its conservation egg deposition.

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