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Research Document - 2001/027

Status of Rocky River stock of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in 2000.

By Bourgeois, C. E., J. Murray and V. Mercer


The status of Atlantic salmon on the Rocky River was assessed for the year 2000. The 2000 escapement to Rocky River was 381 (277 small and 104 large) salmon which was 131% and 83% of the 1987-91 and 1992- 1999 means, respectively. Egg deposition for Rocky River was 35% of the required conservation egg deposition. The 2000 Rocky River smolt count of 7,616 was below the 1990-99 mean of 9,705 with sea survival to 1SW salmon being 3% which was the same as the 1990-1998 mean and up 61% above 1999.

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