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Research Document - 2001/030

Assessment of the status of the Atlantic salmon stock of Conne River, SFA 11, Newfoundland, 2000

By Dempson, J. B., G. Furey and M. Bloom


Results obtained from a fish counting fence provided the basis for the assessment of the Conne River Atlantic salmon stock in 2000. Total returns to home waters (river and estuary) were 5177 salmon < 63 cm in length and 216 salmon ? 63 cm in size. This represented an increase of 120% for small salmon by comparison with 1999 and the highest return since 1990. Returns of large salmon declined by 10% from the previous year. Sea survival to 1SW salmon increased to 7.8%, the second highest value recorded and well above the mean survival of 3.6% for the 1991 to 1999 adult salmon return years. Both the management target (117%; 89-147%) and conservation spawning (egg) requirement (210%; 160-264%) were attained. A mark-recapture study estimated a smolt run in 2000 of 60,777, about 40% less than the peak run in 1997 and approximately 14% below the long term average production (70,890) from 1987 - 1999.

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