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Research Document - 2001/033

Status of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stock of Harry's River/Pinchgut Brook, Newfoundland, 2000

By C.C. Mullins, D. Caines, S.L. Lowe


The number of small and large salmon at the counting fence on the Pinchgut Brook tributary of Harry's River in 2000 was 27% and 76%, respectively, lower than in 1999. The proportion of small salmon was 6% higher than in 1999, whereas, the proportion of large salmon was 65% lower than in 1999. The salmon stock on Harry's River achieved only 29% of its conservation requirement in 2000, the second lowest since 1992. This is alarming considering the recreational salmon fishery has been restricted to catch and release angling since 1996 and that the commercial salmon fishery has been closed since 1992. Uncertainties associated with the methodology used to estimate the spawning escapement and potential egg deposition on Harry's River were analysed using a probability density function. The results indicated that there was a greater than 100% probability that the conservation requirement was not achieved on the Harry's River in 2000. Increased juvenile densities in recent years indicate a positive outlook for this stock. However, extremely low water levels and high water temperatures in the river and past evidence of illegal removals continue to raise serious concerns. It is believed that the slow recovery of this stock following the commercial salmon moratorium is not due to over exploitation by the recreational fishery. Therefore, it is recommended that all possible management options including increased enforcement be reviewed in order to address the problem of low salmon abundance on Harry's River in order to maximise the spawning population.

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