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Research Document - 2001/034

The stock status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Big Brook (Michaels River), Labrador, 2000

By Reddin, D. G., P. B. Short, R. W. Johnson


The status of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stock in Big Brook (also known as Michaels River), Labrador in 2000 was determined using counting fence data, samples collected in the angling fishery, and records of angling mortalities. The stock assessment was conducted in relation to the closure of the Atlantic salmon commercial fishery in Labrador in 1998. In 2000, total returns to Big Brook, adjusted for a non-operational period of the counting fence, were 982 small and 151 large salmon. Small and large salmon made up 87% and 13%, respectively of returns to the river. The number of spawners adjusted for angling mortalities were 878 small and 140 large salmon. The egg deposition required for conservation for Big Brook used only as a reference level in Labrador is 5.294 x 103 eggs using information from a river survey conducted by Murphy (1973) and the salmon conservation requirement of 240 eggs per m2. In 2000, the proportion achieved of the conservation egg requirements was 42% (95th confidence intervals 34 to 61%). Although the percent of conservation requirements met has increased over values in 1997 and 1999, the percent of conservation requirements met remains low.

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