Research Document - 2001/043
Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) off Baffin Island, Labrador and northeastern Newfoundland - first interim review.
By Orr, D., D.G. Parsons, P.J. Veitch, and D.J. Sullivan
Updates of northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) assessments were performed for Division 0B, Division 2G, Hopedale + Cartwright Channels and Hawke Channel + Division 3K, which correspond to shrimp fishing areas 2, 4, 5 and 6, respectively. Status of the resource in each area was inferred, in part, by examining trends in commercial catch, effort, catch per unit effort, fishing pattern and size/sex/age composition of the catches. A multispecies research trawl survey was conducted in 2000 but reductions in survey coverage only provided information on distribution, abundance, biomass, size/sex composition and age structure of shrimp in Hawke Channel + Div. 3K. These findings were compared with results of previous surveys in this area since 1995.
Catch rates by offshore vessels in Hawke + 3K remained relatively stable at a high level while those in Hopedale + Cartwright show a continual increase. The research survey in fall, 2000 showed that abundance and biomass indices remained high in the Hawke + 3K area with indications of increase since 1997. Within Div. 2G, catch rates fluctuated about a high level since 1991 with stability indicated since 1997. Catch rates in Div. 0B also have varied at a high level since 1997.
The shrimp resource in Hawke Channel + Div. 3K is currently healthy with high abundance of males and females. Residual female biomass and stronger 1997 and 1998 year classes should buffer the effects of a weak 1996 year class for the next few years. Current status in Hopedale + Cartwright appears favourable from the fishery data but the absence of a complete survey in 2000 and lack of a recruitment index create uncertainty with respect to stock size and level of exploitation. Current status and prospects in Div. 2G are unknown because the lack of a research survey in 2000 precluded evaluation of the spawning stock, the level of exploitation and recruitment. Similarly, the lack of a research survey into Div. 0B creates uncertainty in understanding the current state of stock distribution, delineation and exploitation level, therefore, prospects in 0B are unknown.
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