Research Document - 2001/064
The Scallop Fishery in Newfoundland and Labrador Becomes Beleaguered
By Naidu, K.S., Cahill, F.M., Seward, E.M.
In 2000, the scallop fishery was in the final year of a three-year (1998-2000) Management Plan. Nominal landings, estimated at 2,647t , were down 12% from the previous year making it the fourth consecutive year of decline. The number of active vessels prosecuting scallops is down slightly (72 vs. 79 in 1999). As in 1999, effort diversion primarily into crab and shrimp, together with declining availability of scallop, has resulted in catches typically short of pre-emptive catch limits. The nominal catch now is only about one-quarter of the 11,266 t peak in 1996. Overall, excluding Labrador, only 23% of the available TAC (2,647t out of 11,430 t) was taken.
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