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Research Document - 2001/075

Recruitment Indices of Exploited Fishes and Invertebrates on the Newfoundland Shelf, the Grand Bank and St. Pierre Bank.

By Anderson, J., Reddin, D., Walsh, S., Nakashima, B., Parmiter, D.


An initiative to compile a list of recruitment indices in Atlantic Canada has been undertaken by the Fisheries Oceanography Committee. Here we summarize information relating to species and stocks assessed within the Newfoundland Region, including those stocks assessed through the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO). Currently there are 24 species, or species groups, assessed and approximately 39 stocks for which status is evaluated including groundfish, pelagic fish, benthic invertebrates and marine mammals. Selected examples of recruitment indices are provided for yellowtail flounder (Limanda ferruginea), capelin (Mallotus villosus), Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). The assessment of these species provide examples of different methodolgies used in deriving recruitment indices for fish with widely differing life histories. Comparison of the indices across similar time periods demonstrates declines, increases and no change in recruitment of these different species within the Newfoundland Region. This information is intended to provide a background for developing a comprehensive approach to evaluating ecosystem responses in fish and invertebrate production within Atlantic Canada.

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