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Research Document - 2001/078

Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of insular Newfoundland (SFAs 3-14A), 2000

By M.F. O'Connell, J.B. Dempson, C.C. Mullins, D.G. Reddin, N.M. Cochrane and D. Caines


The commercial Atlantic salmon fishery moratorium, implemented in insular Newfoundland in 1992, entered its ninth year in 2000. Returns of small salmon to monitored rivers on the northeast and east coasts in 2000 decreased from 1999 and the 1992-1999 means, being most pronounced in SFA 4 and for Exploits River in particular. Returns to Exploits river in 2000 were below the previous low for the moratorium years that occurred in 1997. In contrast, returns to Conne River in southern Newfoundland in 2000 improved markedly over 1999 and the 1992-1999 mean. For other monitored rivers in southern Newfoundland, returns of small salmon to Northeast River, Placentia in 2000 increased substantially over 1999 (in which year the lowest returns of the moratorium years occurred) but still fell below the mean for 1992-1999, while returns to Northeast Brook, Trepassey and Rocky River decreased. With the exception of Highlands River, total returns of small salmon to rivers in Bay St. George (located in SFA 13) in 2000 improved over or were similar to returns in recent years. On the northwest coast, Western Arm Brook showed an increase in returns of small salmon over 1999 and the 1992-1999 mean while the reverse was true for Lomond and Torrent rivers. Returns of large salmon in 2000 decreased from 1999 in 8 out of 14 monitored rivers and were below the means for 1992-1999 in most cases. The proportions of large salmon in total returns for 7 out of 14 rivers in 2000 increased over 1999 and the 1992-1999 means; for the remaining rivers which showed decreases from 1999, most remained similar to the mean for 1992-1999. Sea survival for small salmon improved markedly for Conne River and Western Arm Brook in 2000; Campbellton River (SFA 4) and Highlands River had declines while Northeast Brook, Trepassey and Rocky River (both in SFA 9) showed slight increases. Compared to 1999, smolt production in 2000 decreased from 5 to 25% for four of the six monitored rivers and has declined consistently each year since 1997. Where smolt production has fallen, returns of small salmon in 2001 are expected to decline from 2000 levels, unless there are increases in sea survival to compensate for the reduction in numbers of smolts.

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