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Research Document - 2001/103

Canadian Research Survey Data Conversions for Redfish in SA2 + Div. 3K based on Comparative Fishing Trials between an Engel 145 Otter Trawl and a Campelen 1800 Shrimp Trawl

By D. Power and D. C. Orr


In 1995, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) Newfoundland Region replaced the research vessel, standard survey gear and fishing protocol that been utilized on groundfish surveys in Divs. 2J3K from 1977 to 1994. Comparative fishing trials were conducted in 1995 between the new vessel and gear (CCGS Teleost with Campelen 1800 shrimp trawl) the previous vessel and gear (MV Gadus Atlantica with Engel 145 Otter trawl). The data collected were analysed by length groups to provide a means to convert the older data time series into Campelen equivalents. The conversions did not distort any trends in the historic series for Div. 2J3K redfish but suggest that the rate of decline in the survey index since the 1970's was even greater. This is a reflection of the increased catchability of the Campelen for all size groups, particularly for those less than 30 cm.

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