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Research Document - 2001/123

Geographic distribution of cod eggs and larvae in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence based on the mackerel egg survey, 1982-1991

By M. Castonguay et D.P. Swain


Exploration for oil and gas has been proposed for the southern Gulf of St Lawrence between Prince Edward Island and Cape Breton Island (in Canadian Statistical Unit 4Tg). This paper provides background information on the geographic distribution of eggs and larvae of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. Distributions are based on catches in the mackerel egg surveys conducted between 1982 and 1991. Cod eggs were broadly distributed over the Magdalen Shallows. Egg concentrations tended to be highest east of Miscou over the western region of the Shallows. Cod larvae tended to be distributed to the east of the areas of highest egg concentrations. In the early to mid 1980s, larvae were broadly distributed over the Magdalen Shallows, but densities tended to be highest in eastern and central regions of the Shallows. Larval distribution appeared to be more restricted in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

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