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Research Document - 2001/150

Turbot Stock Assessment for 2001 and Recommendations for Management in 2002

J. Fargo and P.J. Starr


We summarise results of analysis of biological data, research survey data and observer data for turbot (Atheresthes stomias). Results from the analysis of observer data indicate that the variability in the CPUE index from the commercial fishery is mainly due to area and seasonal effects (and in some cases depth) and that these variables can change among years. The analysis of the discard data indicates that this fishery appears to be passive with little evidence of targeting behaviour. The turbot CPUE index from research surveys conducted between 1984 and 2000 shows no trend but does show cyclic fluctuation over that period. Size and age composition data show no distinct trends over time. The instantaneous total mortality rate estimates for 1980, 1998 and 2000 did not differ despite a twenty year exploitation history. We conclude that the current fishing mortality rate for turbot stocks off the West Coast of Canada is at or below the sustainable level.

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