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Research Document - 2002/016

Assessment of the scallop stock in scallop production area 6 in the Bay of Fundy for 2001

By D. Roddick, M. Butler


An area based management plan was implemented in 1997 for the scallop fishery in the Bay of Fundy. Scallop Production Area (SPA) 6 refers to the waters surrounding Grand Manan Island, Campobello and Deer Islands and vicinity. This area is subdivided into SPA 6B for Grand Manan Island inside zone, 6C for the mainland New Brunswick inside zone, and 6A for the remaining area of SPA 6. These areas are fished by the Mid Bay scallop fleet under a competitive quota system, and by the Full Bay scallop fleet under an Individual Transferable Quota (ITQ) system.

Landings in 2001 were 161 t against a TAC of 155 t. Catch rates increased in 2001 and the Mid Bay fleet CPUE was at it's highest level in the limited (1993-2001) time series. The Full Bay fleet CPUE was above the 1981-2001 median level. Research vessel surveys show little sign of any strong year classes entering the fishery in the next few years. There is a moderate year class showing in the Duck Island Sound area of SPA 6B, but this is a small area and there are concerns over high numbers of clappers observed in this area.

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