Research Document - 2002/017
Scallop Production Area 3 and Scallop Fishing Area 29: Stock status and forecast
By S.J. Smith, M.J. Lundy
Landings in Scallop Production Area (SPA) 3 for 2001 were 163 t against a TAC of 200 t. The quota was not caught because the Full Bay fleet had redirected their effort to Scallop Fishing Area 29 where catch rates were higher. Commercial catch rates averaged 15 kg/h in 2001, compared to 13 kg/h in 2000. The 2001 research survey indicated an increase in the numbers of commercial-size scallops from 2000, although estimates from this survey are highly variable. A potentially above average year-class (1998) observed in the 2000 research survey did not appear in the 2001 survey as recruit size scallops in the numbers expected. A biomass dynamic model was fit to the landings and catch rate data for this stock. While the fit to the data was satisfactory, uncertainties about actual catches in the early 1990's will need to be resolved before the model can be used to give advice. The current TAC of 200 t should not be changed for 2002.
A fishery was conducted in the western portion of Scallop Fishing Area 29 in 2001. Scallop fishermen had consulted with lobster fishers in the area to deal with potential conflicts. The scallop fishery ran from June 11 to August 31, by which time, the 400 t TAC was caught. Commercial catch rates averaged 110 kg/h and meat weights averaged 24 g. A joint industry/DFO post-season survey found large concentrations of commercial size scallops, as well as localised distributions of recruits and pre-recruits. The catch that would be sustainable in this area cannot yet be determined.
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