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Research Document - 2002/029

Status of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) Populations in Crabbes and Robinsons Rivers, and Middle Barachois, Fischells and Flat Bay Brooks, Newfoundland, 2001.

By Porter, T. R., Clarke, G. and Murray, J.


Adult Atlantic salmon were visually counted in Middle Barachois Brook, Crabbes River, Robinsons River, Fischells Brook, and Flat Bay Brook in 2001. The surveys were conducted primarily by crews of 2 to 12 snorkellers floating down the main stem of each river. An adjustment factor, between 1.00 to 1.20, was applied to the counts in each river section to account for fish not observed. The estimated total numbers of salmon that returned to each river were: Crabbes River, 688 small and 180 large salmon; Middle Barachois Brook, 937 small and 142 large salmon; Robinsons River, 1909 small and 232 large salmon; Fischells Brook, 248 small and 45 large salmon: and, Flat Bay Brook, 1150 small and 176 large salmon. The percentage of the egg deposition conservation requirements achieved were 53% for Crabbes River, 80% for Middle Barachois Brook, 142% for Robinsons River, 19% for Fischells Brook, and 71% for Flat Bay Brook. The egg depositions in 2001 were lower than in 2000 for all rivers except Robinsons River. All estimates are considered under-estimates since there was evidence that the upstream migration of some salmon was delayed due to low water levels and high water temperatures; and salmon entered the rivers after the visual surveys. The information available did not lend itself to forecasting the abundance of salmon in 2002. Two rainbow trout were observed in Flat Bay Brook. The origin of these rainbow trout is unknown.

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