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Research Document - 2002/098

Assessment of the Status of Div. 4X/5Y Haddock in 2002.

By Hurley, P.C.F, Black, G.A.P., Simon, J.E., Mohn, R.K., and Comeau, P.A.


The quota for 4X/5Y haddock has remained at 8,100t for the last 5 years and reported landings have been close to the quota each year. Abundance has been increasing since the early 1990s and is presently high. Production has been decreasing since the late 1970s and is presently low. Size-at-age, growth rate and fish condition are all at or near the lowest observed. Exploitation rate for ages 5-7 decreased from approximately 50% in the early 1980s but dropped below 20% (which corresponds to the currently used F0.1=0.25) in 1994 to the present. Partial  recruitment has changed in recent years and fully recruited ages have changed from 5-7 to 8-10. Exploitation on fully recruited ages in the 2002 fishing year will be below F0.1 if the TAC is not exceeded. The 1998 yearclass is estimated to be the largest observed in the time series, and the 1999 yearclass is estimated to be very strong. These yearclasses may be overestimated by a factor of 2, due to the retrospective pattern. Spawning stock biomass (ages 4+) is estimated to increase to a high in 2003 and then decrease unless further strong recruitment occurs. Projected yield at F0.1 in the 2003 fishing year ranges from 9,000-15,000t depending upon the weights-at-age used to calculate yields. Emphasis should be on how the potential yield from the current good recruitment should be utilized over time, and on the implications of that decision for 4X cod conservation as a result of the mixed fishery problem.

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