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Research Document - 2002/102

Biological information relevant to the management of 4TVW haddock.

By Mohn, R., and Simon, J.


The current status of 4TVW haddock has been updated using the methods described in the most recent assessment (Frank et al. 2001). This fishery collapsed and was closed in 1993. Recently strong recruitment has been seen but it has been accompanied by very slow growth. The SPA reconstructed stock plus additional information has been evaluated to gain further insight into the productivity of this resource. There has been a period of steady recovery of biomass, but the population is increasingly dominated by small young fish. The 1999 yearclass is the largest seen in the 32 years summer RV series. Emphasis was placed on quantification of the productivity and production of this resource and its ability to sustain exploitation. A brief analysis of 4VW cod is also included as it is likely to be impacted by any re-opening of the haddock.

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