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Research Document - 2003/012

Assessment of the 2002 Snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) fishery off eastern Nova Scotia (Areas 20 to 24)

By Biron, M., Savoie, L., Sabean, C., Wade E., and Moriyasu, M.


Overall, fishery-related indices (CPUE and at-sea observer data) showed generally positive signs in 2002. Reported landings were 10,186 t against a TAC of 10,315 t for the 2002 fishing season.

The 2002 annual survey was conducted in the late summer / early fall in consideration of seasonal movement that had been affecting the spring surveys in the past. This was the first time that a complete survey was conducted after the fishery in ENS (a partial fall survey was conducted in
N-ENS in 2001). The fishable biomass index for 2003 was 2,800 t in N-ENS and 24,350 t in S-ENS. Size frequencies and the abundance index from the trawl survey indicate a continued decrease in recruitment. The fishable biomass index in the originally surveyed areas has been declining, which is expected to accelerate in all areas if recruitment does not improve. The mature female abundance has been decreasing since 1997-1998, which may impact the reproductive potential. Bottom temperatures were near their long-term mean in 2002. Due to uncertainties associated with the negative signs of recruitment, fishable biomass and reproductive potential, it is strongly recommended not to increase harvesting levels in 2003.

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