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Research Document - 2003/045

Stock Structure of Pollock in NAFO Divs. 4VWX5Zc

By Neilson, J.D., Perley, P., Carruthers, E.H., Stobo, W. and Clark, D


The stock structure of pollock (Pollachius virens) in the Northwest Atlantic was examined using information from a variety of sources including the commercial fishery, research vessel surveys of various stages of the life history, population parameters, meristic and morphometric data and mark-recapture information. It was concluded that there was sufficient information to suggest a division of the current management unit (NAFO Divs. 4VWX5Zc) into an eastern (4VW) and a western (4X5Zc) component. The current eastern and northern boundaries with NAFO Divs. 4T and 3Ps appear appropriate and should be retained. The boundary of the stock to the south in SA 5 appears less clear, however. The suggestion that the International Boundary form the limit of the management unit is based more on operational considerations rather than considerations of stock distribution.

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