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Research Document - 2003/075

Can Hydroacoustic Survey Approaches Yield Abundance Indices of Pollock on the Scotian Shelf?

By Neilson, J. D., Perley, P., Stevens, C., Clark, D.
and Melvin, G.


The feasibility of using hydroacoustic techniques to obtain indices of abundance of pollock (Pollachius virens) was investigated using both a research vessel and a commercial fishing vessel. The constancy of the spatial distribution of the resource (both seasonally and on a 24-h basis) is documented, and the process of collection and editing of the hydroacoustic data is described. The vertical distribution of pollock is documented in related to the near-bottom zone where the acoustic signals are occluded. The density of fish indicated from the hydroacoustic studies is compared with the net catches, and the co-occurrence of other species is described. Considerations such as these are summarized in conclusions concerning the effectiveness of hydroacoustic approaches for describing the abundance of pollock.

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