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Research Document - 2003/095

An assessment of the American plaice stock in NAFO Subarea 2 and Division 3K

By Dwyer, K.S., Brodie, W. B. and Morgan, M.J.


The stock of American plaice in NAFO Subarea 2 plus Division 3K remains at a very low level. Catches have increased since 1999, due mainly to by-catch in the Greenland halibut fishery. The composition of the A. plaice by-catch in this fishery is composed mainly of sexually mature females. Research vessel surveys indicate that the stock size is currently about 3-5% of the values measured in the early 1980's.  Stock size has remained at this low level for several years following the closure of the directed fishery. Changes in the distribution of the fish were observed in the mid-to late 1980's, and size and age at maturity declined through the mid 1990's but has stablized since then. Since the stock did not recover when catch levels were very low (mid to late 1990s), commercial catches do not appear to be a major contributor to the high mortality estimated in this stock. This is supported by recent catch/biomass ratios of less than 1%. Further, with no strong year-classes present in the population, and relatively high mortality rates, the prospects for stock rebuilding continue to be extremely poor.

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