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Research Document - 2003/109

An Evaluation of Commercial Fishery Catch Rates as an Index of Abundance for Pollock in Divs. 4X5

By Neilson, J.D., Perley, P., Fowler, M. and Clark, D.


As part of a Framework Assessment of pollock (Pollachius virens), the utility of commercial fishery indicators of abundance was evaluated. It was recommended that the mobile gear catch rates continue to be used as an index of abundance. The age-specific indices indicated some consistency in the interpretation of year-class strength that appears to support the current use of commercial fishery catch rates in an age-disaggregated mode. However, attempts to refine the index over past assessments have resulted in only modest gains in the explanatory power of the model, and there is considerable unaccounted variance in catch rates remaining. Gillnet catch rates were also evaluated for the first time, and it was found that catch rates from that gear type may also have utility as an age-disaggregated index of abundance.

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