Research Document - 2004/001
An Assessment of the Eastern Scotian Shelf Shrimp Stock and Fishery for 2003 and Outlook to 2004
By Koeller, P., Covey, M., King, M.
The DFO-industry survey index increased in 2003 following 3 consecutive decreases. This suggests that the recent biomass decline attributed to the completion of the life cycle of a succession of strong year classes (1993-1995) followed by a series of weaker year classes (1996-1998) has stabilised. The year class which will recruit to the fishery in 2004 (1999) appears to be about average and should support the fishery at least at the 2003 level. The 2001 year class, which was characterised as strong from « belly bag » samples alone in the 2002 survey appears to be exceptional in both belly bag and survey trawl catches in 2003. Further biomass increases may ocurr as this year class grows and begins to recruit to the fishery in 2005, especially if this happens in all areas. At present the 2000 and 2002 year classes do not appear to be as strong, so it not clear if the 2001 year class signals the beginning of another succession of good year classes such as those which led to the peak biomasses in all areas at the end of the 1990s. In 2003, however, survey biomass was still mainly concentrated in the offshore area of SFA 14. This was confirmed by the continued concentration of effort in this area by the commercial trawler fleet. Commercial catch rates again increased in 2003 and are at the highest levels recorded despite decreased survey estimates in most areas in recent years. This continues to be attributable to the maturation and aggregation of the strong year classes/sizes and the continuing ability of the fishery to find these concentrations. Spawning stock biomass remains high. Many traffic light indicators have reversed to green and the overall summary has been favourable for the last 2 years.
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