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Research Document - 2004/006

Habitat mapping at three potential Marine Protected Areas in the Newfoundland and Labrador Region

By Morris, C., and Power, A.


Three potential Marine Protected Areas (MPA) located at Leading Tickles, Gilbert Bay, and Eastport have been identified in the Newfoundland Region, under the Oceans Act. Describing and quantifying habitat has been a part of the ecological assessment conducted at each site, during the site evaluation phase. Among the three Areas of Interest (AOIs) two general methods were used to assess habitat: 1) multibeam bathymetry mapping and substrate classification, and 2) underwater video. Reasons for protecting habitat as part of the MPA program may differ from Species At Risk legislation regarding critical habitat, but the methods used to describe and quantify habitat may be useful. The Leading Tickles AOI is developing a multispecies approach and detailed habitat mapping was conducted to identify the requirements for several species such as lobster, crab, and several groundfish species including Atlantic cod. Habitat mapping methods at Gilbert Bay provides the necessary information to protect the unique local Atlantic cod population and its required habitat. At Eastport, area's having high lobster productivity, as identified by local lobster fishers, was mapped to verify habitat quality and quantity. The identification of habitat within each AOI has been based on substrate characteristics, water column characteristics, and geography, in connection with life history characteristics of particular species, and is site specific.

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