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Research Document - 2005/017

Assessments of Atlantic salmon stocks in selected rivers of Eastern Cape Breton, SFA 19, to 2003

By Robichaud-LeBlanc, K.A., P.G. Amiro


Assessments of the stock status of Atlantic salmon were conducted on the Middle, Baddeck, North and Grand rivers of SFA 19, Eastern Cape Breton Island in 2003. These rivers account for over 87% of the total recreational fishing effort exerted in the 15 Eastern Cape Breton rivers reportedly fished for salmon in 2003.

Returning salmon were estimated by snorkel count with mark-recapture calibration and from recreational catch estimates and rates. Estimated returns in 2003 were 554 large and 61 small to the Middle River, 305 large and 36 small to the Baddeck River, 395 large and 113 small to the North River, and 6 large and 34 small to the Grand River.

Conservation requirements on Middle River, which have generally not been achieved in recent years, were likely met in 2003 although expectations are low that returns will meet requirements in 2004. Returns to the Baddeck River in 2003 continue to be below conservation requirements, and expectations are that returns will not meet requirements in 2004. North River conservation requirements, which have not been met since 1999, were achieved in 2003, however, based on a five-year mean, it is unlikely that returns in 2004 will be sufficient to meet conservation requirements. Returns to Grand River in 2003 were the second lowest in the data series. Consistent low returns in recent years, and a forecast of only 43 returns in 2004 indicate a very low probability of meeting conservation requirements in 2004.

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