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Research Document - 2004/028

Summary of Results of the 2003 Queen Charlotte Sound Bottom Trawl Survey

By Stanley, R.D., Starr, P., Olsen, N., Haigh, R.


This document summarizes the general methods and results from the 2003 groundfish bottom trawl survey in Queen Charlotte Sound and southern Hecate Strait. The survey conducted 239 useable tows in depths of 50-500 m from July 3-August 9 on board the F/V Viking Storm. The survey was jointly conducted and funded by the Canadian Research and Conservation Society and Fisheries and Oceans Canada. The objective of this year's survey was to examine its capability to provide long-term indices of relative abundance for fish species affected by bottom trawling, primarily in the survey area.

Results indicate that if the survey were repeated in its current design it could meet its primary objective and would cost approximately $312,000/y. It will also provide a research platform that will contribute essential biological samples, and oceanographic information. The document recommends that the survey be continued for the planned three years with minor modifications that will be identified with additional analyses of the 2003 results. The additional years will provide insight into the magnitude of the interannual process error and thus be used to determine the optimal frequency of the survey.

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