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Research Document - 2004/035

Estimates of 3Ps Bycatch of Cod in Otter Trawl Fishery

By Chen, N.Y.


Observer data on bycatch of cod (Gadus morhua) in NAFO Subdivision 3Ps in the commercial otter trawl fisheries were collected in the period from 1994 to 2003 by independent observers. A total observed bycatch of 501,901 kg was studied. Sampling was not sufficient to estimate total bycatch for each unit area of 3Ps, therefore only 3Psa, 3Psd, 3Psg and 3Psh were considered in the present study. The average bycatch weight, given as kg per set, was significantly lower in 1994/95. The highest total bycatch was in the witch flounder and redfish fisheries, which accounted for 68% and 13%, respectively. Significant seasonal bycatch variation was identified with the highest bycatch in the winter and lowest in summer. Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) were then used to identify significant factors affecting the 3Ps bycatch cod. The GLMs fitted to the observer data revealed statistically significant factors such as year, season, and areas, and reproduced the total and annual bycatch well. An application of the models to the catch-effort data predicted the total bycatch fairly.

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